The surveyor’s tools have evolved dramatically over the last several decades, from theodolites and steel tapes to robotic total stations and GPS.
When of the most recent tools available in surveying is the UAV, more commonly known as “the drone”. Drones, combined with GPS, provide an extremely useful platform for collecting survey data. This data ranges from ortho imagery like seen in Google or Apple Maps to topography and 3D modeling using Lidar.
Here at Boundary & Benchmark we have been using UAV systems in conjunction with more traditional surveying techniques since 2017. We are FAA Part 107 licensed UAV pilots and trained on Pix4D processing software. We are fully capable of capturing the reality data your design project needs.

What we provide?
We are pleased to offer clients high resolution, high accuracy UAV generated aerial imagery as an underlay in any of the survey services we offer. Often, we can achieve resolution of 2cm per pixel or less with this imagery.
The UAV data can also be used to create Digital Terrain Models (DEMs) of a site, which can then be used to display contour lines and spot elevations. This technique can provide significant savings for larger design projects.
Do you have a UAV already and acquire imagery data with it but do not possess the computing power or knowledge to process that information into valuable deliverables. We can help. We possess a powerful processing rig that can convert thousands of images into ortho photo and DEMs in a matter of hours.
Click on an image below to see the example plats.

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